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Maths Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia with Nathalie Parry

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Maths Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia

with Nathalie Parry

Event Overview

Mathematical proficiency has been linked to improved educational and  life outcomes, however, more than 20% of us find maths challenging.  Furthermore, around 6% of primary school age children may have persistent difficulties with mathematics known as dyscalculia. Although these statistics are similar to dyslexia, maths learning difficulties (MLD’s), including dyscalculia are less well known, meaning that MLD’s are often identified much later in primary school, after the window of greatest opportunity has passed. Yet studies have consistently shown that children who start school behind their peers in mathematics are at greater risk of remaining, so unless they receive target instruction. 

This session supports educators to understand, identify and support students with maths learning difficulties, including dyscalculia.

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About the presenter

Nathalie Parry

Nathalie Parry is a Lecturer for the Learning Intervention Team at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Education. As a specialist teacher, her research and practice are motivated by a desire to understand the opportunities and challenges experienced by people with learning differences. Ensuring the outcomes of research are translated into improved identification and effective interventions to enhance learning and life outcomes for children, youth and adults at risk of learning difficulties continues to be an important part of her work.  Nathalie’s joint PhD, between the University of Melbourne, Australia and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, explores the learning potential of young children at risk of mathematics learning difficulties through interactive learning.

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