How to Provide Evidence-Based Reading Support - Greg Clement - Clayton South Primary
Clayton South Assessment Schedule
Primary School Principal Greg Clement is successfully leading a change in practice at Clayton South Primary School. Greg began his Science of Reading journey after meeting a speech pathologist, and subsequently hiring her to run an Intervention Program. Since, Greg has introduced the techniques and interventions at Clayton South Primary School and is seeing amazing change in reading fluency at all levels.
Some of you may have read Greg’s blog, Principals of Reading, and if you have, you will already know the immense passion Greg has for improving reading fluency at all year levels. In his blog, Greg talks about using the COVID lock down period to focus in on students at risk, and had all staff - leadership, teachers and teacher aides - work one on one with students over webcam, achieving remarkable results during this challenging time of learning.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
7:30 PM - 8:45 PM AEDT
About the presenter
Greg Clement is Principal at Clayton South Primary School, and blogs at He has recently started his Science of Reading journey, and is leading a meaningful and rapid change at his School.