SA Branch: Tier 2 Intervention for Secondary Students
This session shared the innovative practice of two speech pathologists and the literacy leadership teams they work with at Craigmore High School and Parafield Gardens High School.
Grounded in the science of reading, a wave 2 evidence-informed reading intervention program for year 7 and 8 students who have word reading (decoding) ages between 6 to 10 years was outlined. Participants will gain an understanding of the assessment process, the intervention, and positive outcomes achieved across the two schools.
This presentation is relevant to primary and high school teachers and leaders who have an interest in improving student reading ability, or who are curious about what Speech Pathology can offer in a high school setting or adolescent reading intervention space.
Tuesday 14th March, 7:30PM Adelaide Time
Our Presenters
Melissa Saliba
Melissa is a Senior Speech Pathologist with the Department for Education, SA, based at Craigmore High School (CHS). Her collaborative work with leadership at CHS focuses on the implementation and evaluation of evidence-informed tiered practices to improve student literacy outcomes. Other areas of specialisation include Speech Pathology in Youth Justice and Early Language Development.
Christine D’Arcy
Christine is a senior speech pathologist and researched a collaborative whole-school approach to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), independently demonstrated to increase educators’ ability to identify and support students to access the language of learning in the classroom. Since 2021, her work with Parafield Gardens High School leadership has focused on implementing and evaluating reading intervention.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2021
About Stuart Kitto
Stuart Kitto is a former principal who has been working in central office roles around disability policy and practice for the last 2 years. He spends his time thinking about how we might more effectively include all learners in our classrooms, with a focus on those with disability.