The Writing Network Connect #1
Our First Network Connect session
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
7:45 PM - 9:00 PM AEST
A key goal of the Think Forward Writing Network is to open a conversation about writing in the classroom, using research, trialled techniques, assessment and data collection.
Read the blog post from convenor Jeanette Breen and continue the discussion after the session!
Other resources
Run-On Sentences Slides - Brandon Park Year 3
Run-On Sentences Practice - Brandon Park Year 3
Writing Year 3/4E Example, Inc Run-On Sentences - Templestowe Heights
Next time, join us for another Network Connect Session
In this free, dynamic Professional Learning and Networking opportunity we delved into the big ideas in writing as well as the incremental small steps that you can use in your classroom every day to make a difference to your students.
I once had a student who loved rhinos. After all, what's not to love? During ‘free choice’ writing sessions (the opportunity for students to engage and communicate across genres of their choice), this student continued to write about rhinos in several formats. There was the narrative on rhinos, the persuasive, the poem – both Acrostic and Haiku.
His writing was engaging, passionate, showed an awareness of purpose and audience, but what niggled at me was that I wasn’t teaching him anything.
Actually, what I found was that my competent writers avoided authorial risks. They wrote texts where the topic was the focus, while writers who found writing challenging, continued to find it so. The struggle to engage was confronting.