The Writing Network hosting The Writing Revolution’s Co-CEOs Toni-Ann Vroom & Dina Zoleo
A key goal of the Think Forward Writing Network is to open a conversation about writing in the classroom, using research, trialled techniques, assessment and data collection. Join us for this talk on The Writing Revolution from two key people at TWR: Drs Toni-Ann Vroom & Dina Zoleo
Dr Nathaniel Swain and Shane Pearson - From the big five to a coherent curriculum
At Brandon Park Primary School, we are building upon our low variance spelling and word reading curriculum, to make direct connections between spelling, reading, and writing instruction within English lessons and in every learning area. In this session we will describe how we are ensuring that in every subject, children are supported to read, write and discuss high-level academic concepts and ideas, and put their hard-won literacy skills to good use. This practical and research-informed presentation will detail how we have sought to make explicit and direct connections between what students are learning in English, and the vast knowledge bases in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities. By using a knowledge-rich, coherent and cohesive curriculum map, and the thought-enriching techniques from the Writing Revolution, we are supporting our students to become informed, insightful, critical and independent readers, writers, and learners. Come hear how you could do the same!
TAS Branch - How revolutionary is The Writing Revolution? - Dr Damon Thomas
See how we launched the TAS Branch of TFE, and hear from special guest, Dr Damon Thomas from the University of Tasmania on: How revolutionary is The Writing Revolution?