TAS Branch - How revolutionary is The Writing Revolution? - Dr Damon Thomas
Launching the Tasmanian Branch
We heard from Education Lecturer Dr Damon Thomas on the topic: How revolutionary is The Writing Revolution?
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Background to session
In 2017, Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler published The Writing Revolution (TWR), a book outlining a new approach for teaching writing. Since then, TWR has grown in popularity around the world. In 2021, hundreds of Australian primary and secondary school teachers received specialised training in TWR and are now using its ideas in their teaching. But how revolutionary actually is TWR? Does it simply recycle aspects of other writing pedagogies in a fresh way, or could it be the magic bullet we’ve been hoping for to address ongoing concerns about students’ writing development? In this seminar, I draw on Hochman and Wexler’s book and information shared at a TWR short course to explore how this approach lines up against more traditional product, process, and genre-based approaches, currently practised in most Australian schools.
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Thursday, June 17, 2021
About the Dr Damon Thomas
Damon Thomas is a senior lecturer in English education at the University of Tasmania. His research interests include writing development, pedagogy, and assessment.